Selasa, 11 November 2008

Matmatika{Bhs. Inggris}

1. There are three dozen eggs in a box half of them are
cracked how many eggs is that?
Artinya:Ada 3 lusin telur gi
box setengah darinya pecah.Berapa sisa telurnya?
12x3=36:2=18sho the eggs is erghtcen.
2.if 750 gr of cheese cost $4 how much does 1,5kg of cheese cost ?
Artinya:Jika 750 gr keju harganya 4 dolar.Berapa 1,5 kg keju?
So the cost 1,5 kg cheese is?
3.Ho many 30cm preces of string would you need to
make a 30 cm piece of string?
Berapa 30cm potongan benang yang kamu butuhkan untuk membuat 30 cm potongan string
So you need=1800 pieces.

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